The problem
Non profit organizations need more volunteers and donations. Insufficient resources prevent non profits from having their desired impact. Millions of people cannot survive without goods and services from non profits. My research indicated that most citizens are willing to volunteer, it is just not something that is top of mind.
Key Activities
Exploratory Interviews
Persona definition
Experience mapping
Complete market analysis
How might we selection
Usability testing
Responsive product website design
Hi-fi mobile prototyping
User story writing
Task flow creation
Idea sketching
The Solution
I optimized the volunteer experience by making it social and incentivized. Volly does 4 main things to encourage volunteerism. Number 1 - people connect with ‘best match’ volunteer opportunities that align with their passion and schedule. Number 2 - Volly encourages social sharing and inviting to make volunteerism top of mind. Number 3 - Volly logs volunteer hours and automatically produces impact reports so volunteers and organizations can view their cumulative social impact. Number 4 - Volly partners with local small businesses who offer discounts based on volunteer hours.
I conduct face to face interviews to learn about our end user’s frustrations, motivations and behaviour
Interview Recruitment
I created a proto-persona based on secondary research and personal experience.
I used screener questions to ensure I interviewed a representative sample that would offer credible insight.
I found “Prospective Volunteer” personas
In my network
At cafes, doing guerilla interviews with strangers
I found “Non Profit Coordinator” personas
In my network
Cold calling or walking into non profit organizations
Exploratory interviews
I engaged in face to face conversation to get a visceral understanding of the problem.
My interview style I maximize perspective by conducting conversations, not interviews. I establishing myself as positive, approachable and free of judgement. Creating a guided conversation allows the user to navigate the conversation towards important topics that the researcher may not be aware of yet. I create 50-75 discussion points to guide the conversation. Always ask whywhywhywhywhy and listen actively.
A few discussion points from conversations with the ‘Prospective Volunteer’ personas
Describe a recent volunteer experience you have had, from beginning to end
Describe the process of how you discovered the opportunity
Explain to me the things you did while you were there
Discuss what attracted you to it and/or what drove you away
Talk to me about why you continued or discontinued your engagement
Explain to me what products and devices you love to use regularly and why
Lets talk about free time and who you spend it with
Think about how you get info on news and events. Talk to me about where and how you get information
Discuss the major influences in your behaviour (friends, family, rules, weather etc)
Talk to me about what frustrating things in your life, why do these things bother you
I visualize my insights for everyone to reference throughout the design process
Persona Definition
Jeff wants
Area of interest
Networking Opportunities
To save money
Gets information from friends and online
Natasha wants
Consistent resources
Impact reporting
Vision fulfilment
Reward volunteers
experience mapping
My entrepreneurial background has me thinking “Is this profitable? scalable?”. I scoped out the competition to find a competitive advantage
Complete Market analysis
I discovered platforms trying to solve some of our user pain points. The market’s current offerings leave an opportunity to introduce a modern, socially oriented and gamified user experience with an emphasis on volunteer loyalty.
Market Barriers
Non profit organizations often lack resources to reward volunteers. Even if they did, rewarding volunteers is a legal grey area. My experience as a small business owner and consultant gave me the idea to have small businesses offer discounts to people for contributing to their community for volunteering.
HOw might we Selection
HMW legally incentivize habitual volunteerism
Now that I understand my users pain points and the market opportunities, I begin working towards a solution
user story writing
Task FLow creation
You are a user and you want to filter the results page to show volunteer openings that fit your interests, location and availability.
Idea sketching
Rough Sketches
Let’s look at what our users had to say about our wireframe and the Hi-Fi screens that evolved
usability testing
Filter Screens
Responsive product website design
Hi-fi mobile prototyping
When viewing the prototype, imagine you are looking for a volunteer opportunity. Explore the search and filter options.